I was about to celebrate two years cancer-free on January 19th—my birthday and also the day, two years ago, when my doctor told me the cancer was gone after surgery and six months of chemo. I was ready to get my hair trimmed, now that it’s growing back. I was excited to plan 2025, filling it with new projects, fresh ideas, places to visit, and people to see.
But then, there was a “but.”

An unexpected “but” arrived this winter. Oddly enough, it came with good timing too—the cancer is back.
Actually, according to my oncologist, it seems the MTF breast cancer never really left. The cancer was resistant to the drugs. I always knew triple-negative breast cancer was aggressive and stubborn, but I never imagined this. Seriously—never.
But it is what it is, right? There’s nothing I can do to change or control it. I have to go through the process again. The only thing I can do is continue with the attitude that I am healed, no matter what!
I can’t understand why this is happening. I can’t understand what I still need to learn from this.
We still need more information to figure out the next steps, but the waiting is torturous. For now, I welcome prayers, good energy, kind thoughts, work opportunities, and donations—yes, that will be on my list soon. Being a freelancer and a cancer patient is a tough combo.
And one more thing (not to be rude, but): please don’t give me unsolicited advice about what I should or shouldn’t do unless you’ve checked with me first or you’ve had firsthand experience with cancer. The information out there is overwhelming, and trust me—I tried everything imaginable during the first treatment: traditional medicine, Chinese medicine, and even the woo-woo stuff. I’m open to suggestions, but ask me first.
As if that weren’t enough, my husband is still in rehab, and on the same day I got the news about the cancer, my 96-year-old grandmother was hit by a car. She just underwent a very complicated surgery. She’s a rock—she’s 96 and still fighting.
It is what it is. We keep moving forward. Let’s go!